Monday, November 7, 2011

Course Reflection (811)

This has been a very interesting course.  I have learned more than I thought possible.  I think the most important thing I have learned about effective teaching strategies and technology is that technology is a tool to be used and must be appropriate for the content being taught.  The strategies I use as a teacher can be enhanced through technology.  I have been rereading quite a bit of Marzano material (I won a book while at a conference!).  I use his process for teaching vocabulary in my classroom.  Through this process coupled with some interesting vocabulary sites I have found, I can merge this effective teaching strategy with the use of technology.  I really think it comes down to TPACK.  There must be a blend of pedagogy, content and technology to reach our students.

One of the best assignments through this course was the StAIR.  I didn't even know it was possible to create this kind of resource my students can use without me being right there.  I plan on implementing more StAIR activities into my classroom this year.  It is my intention to continue the StAIR I have created for a noun review to make it become a mid-term review for my students.

My first personal goal for my technology learning was to learn tools to engage my learners.  I have been introduced to many new tools that I feel I can incorporate into my classroom thanks to the information presented in this course as well as information learned from classmates.  I am trying to keep up with posts others make in MACUL.  It is wonderful to have this resource to hear what others are doing in their classrooms or sites they have found that would be beneficial to students.  My second goal was to decrease the load of paper work that I have being a writing teacher.  The lesson plan I wrote in the first part of this course has now been used in my classroom.  I am seeing students get great information from each other on revisions using the comment function in MicroSoft Word.  This will, I am certain, decrease my physical paper work load once my students are able to upload to Google-Docs.   (Right now I am fighting a technological battle with our computer lab running Internet Explorer 4.  This browser cannot support Google-Docs.)  However, just looking through revisions students have done and saved on our shared student drive has significantly decreased the physical amount of paper work I have to take home.

I plan on applying to the full MAET at MSU this winter.  I want to continue my technological journey.  I especially want to have the skills and the connections to keep current with new tools for my students.  I have created a personal technology plan for myself.  It can be found at if you are interested in more!  Thank you to Professor Ayers and all of my classmates who have made this course one of value!

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