Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Group Leadership Project: Part A-Brainstorm Session

 My group met last night for a little over an hour and a half to discuss and decide what technology we would like to teach and what technology we would use to teach this tool.  We chose to teach how to create a blog using Blogger and will be using Camtasia Studio to present.  This is new to most of us, but we were all really impressed with the professional look of other presentations we saw that used Camtasia.  Below is a brief video overview.

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1.  What web conferencing tool did your group use?

My group group chose to use Vyew as our web-conferencing tool.  Vyew is an web-based conferencing tool that is free to users.  It allows the user to not only share screens, but allows for the use of Word, Excel, Power Point and PDF files.  And don't can also incorporate graphics, audio and video!  You meet and discuss in real time which I found to be exciting.     

2.  What were the advantages to using the web conferencing tool to discuss this project?

There were several advantages to using Vyew to host our brainstorm session.  We were able to create and make changes in real time to complete this session.  We had a chat that allowed us to communicate about this project and what we would like to do.  I was most impressed that the document we were creating came to life in real time.  The only experience I have had thus far with sharing documents has been through Google Docs.  Although I like G-Docs, I found that to create a document with other collaborators in real time using Vyew was much more beneficial.   

3.  What were the disadvantages to using the web conferencing tool to discuss this project?

What I liked least about using Vyew was that I would prefer using a headset to actually have a voice conversation.  We only utilized the chat feature.  This was the only one real disadvantage I found.

Link to Brainstorm Session in Vyew

Link to Chat Conversation

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