Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Research Annotated Bibliogrpahy

The following annotated bibliography reflects research results for the effects of academic coaching on student achievement.  At the end of this entry you will see additional resources to be explored.  These are sources I found just yesterday while conducting additional research, and I will be working toward adding these into my literature review.

Annotated Bibliography
Abbott, R.D., O’Donnell, J., Hawkins, D., Hill, K.G., Kosterman, R., & Catalano, R.F.  (1998). Changing teacher practices to promote achievement and bonding to school.  American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 68(4), 542-552.
This article examines the comparison of teachers trained and coached on instructional intervention strategies and how their students achieved to that of student achievement with untrained teachers.  The authors discovered a small improvement in achievement when focusing on just fifth and sixth graders whose teachers had been trained in specific instructional strategies.  However, as more teachers were trained and the interventions were taking place spirally through grades 1-6, much larger achievements were made by students who had teachers trained in those strategies.  The authors all hold PhD’s and are from recognized universities.  Abbott works in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Washington.  Hawkins, Hill, Kosterman and Catlano, also at the University of Washington, are in the Social Development Research Group.  O’Donnal hails from the Department of Social Work at California State University.  This research is somewhat dated but supported through other past studies.  Although the study focuses mostly on how students achieve higher in areas of classroom opportunity, involvement, reinforcement, and bonding to school, academic achievements are evaluated.  This is relevant to my research because it does link quality coaching and professional development to student achievement.  The article is a research study and on a collegiate reading level.
Bangert-Drowns, R.L., Kulik, J.A., & Kulik, C.C.  (1983).  Effects of coaching programs on achievement test performance.  Review of Educational Research, 53(4), 571-585. 
Although this study examines the effects of coaching programs on aptitude and achievement tests, it could prove beneficial to my research due to the proof found that coaching programs generally have a positive effect on achievement tests.  The coaching in this study is more peer-related but gives excellent quantitative results on the improvement in achievement tests for three types of coaching programs: short, average (mid-length) and extensive.  Results that have the ability to strengthen my research question would be in the findings of the effects on content coaching and grade level of subjects.  The authors completed extensive research for the findings examining 30 different previous studies.  The three contributors to this article are involved with the Center For Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor).  Bangert-Drowns is a research assistant with specializations in individualized instruction, research synthesis and phenomenological research.  J. Kulik, a research scientist, specializes in research synthesis and educational evaluation.  C. Kulik  is an assistant research scientist at the University of Michigan specializing in research synthesis, individualized instruction and psychological measurement.  This article is written for a collegiate audience but speaks in an understandable, clear, concise language.  
Biancarosa, G., Bryk, A.S., & Dexter, E.R.  (2010).  Assessing the value-added effects of literacy collaborative professional development on student learning.  The Elementary School Journal, 111(1), 8-34.  
The authors of this article make it clear that there are few empirical studies to prove the effects of coaching on student achievement.  In fact, the two major studies prior to this article found little evidence to support positive effects of coaching on student achievement.  However, when the authors conducted an accelerated multicohort longitudinal quasi-experimental, 4-year study of the Literacy Collaborative program, they found quite the opposite.  The first year was used as a baseline assessing students on DEIBLES and Terra Nova, and pre-coaching development began for teachers who would become coaches.  In the next three years, with continual support for coaches and strategy implementation from teachers, positive effects of academic coaching were found.  The results from the first year yielded a 16% increase in student achievement, the second year of implementation shined a 28% increase, and the third year showed an astounding 32% increase.  The author, Gina Biancarosa, is at the College of Education at the University of Oregon.  Anthony Bryk is from The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and Emily Dexter is from Lesley University.  This article lends great support to my topic because of the proof that academic coaching helps teachers, and therefore, increases student achievement.   
Buly, M.R., Coskie, T., Robinson, L., & Egawa, K.  (2006).  Literacy coaching: Coming out of the corner.  Voices from the Middle, 24(13), 24-28.
Written by Kathy Egawa, a former associate director for the National Council of Teachers of English, as well as three teachers/coaches she holds in high regard, this article explains the three essentials for a successful coaching program.  Those components are 1.) effective coaches have clearly defined job descriptions, 2.) effective coaches have support over time, and 3.) essential components of an effective coaching session can be identified and defined.  The authors also offer insight to how effective coaching may look a lot different when working with middle school and high school teachers.  There is a brief section of the article that discusses the concerns of coaching, the foremost being that without support, coaches are less likely to be successful.  Other ideas for continued research are given as well.  Kathy Egawa is now a visiting professor of literacy education at Seattle University.  Marsha Riddle Buly is an associate professor of literacy education at Western Washington University.  Tracy Coskie is an assistant professor of elementary education and LeAnne Robinson is an assistant professor of special education, both at Western Washington University.  The ideas presented are beneficial for my research because without support, well-educated coaches, there will be no intervention for teachers, and therefore, no additional student achievement. 

Chambers-Cantrell, S., & Hughes, H.K.  (2008).  Teacher efficacy and content literacy implementation: An exploration of the effects of extended professional development with coaching.  Journal of Literacy Research, 40, 95-127.
Often times teachers of middle and high school students have been trained to focus on the content to be taught and not necessarily literacy strategies to be used with students.  This study focused on the effects of a one-year training program for 6th and 9th grade teachers.  The areas of focus were general teacher efficacy, conceptions of teacher efficacy, efficacy and teacher development, and content literacy and teacher efficacy.  An interesting finding was that teacher efficacy grew as student achievement grew.  This study also leads me to believe that some of their findings may have led to the Common Core to be developed.  For one academic year, content teachers received extended professional development in literacy techniques designed for student success. The measures used in this study included teacher efficacy surveys, classroom observations, and teacher interviews.  This applies to my research because some coaches may have to work within a secondary setting and must be equipped to handle the pressures of teaching content teachers literacy strategies.  Susan Cantrell is an Assistant Professor of Literacy Education at the University of Kentucky and is also the Executive Director of the Collaborative Center for Literacy Development at the U.S. Department of Education.  Hannah Hughes is a research assistant with the Collaborative Center for Literacy Development and specializes in areas of educational research and program evaluation.  
Dole, J.A., & Donaldson, R.  (2006).  “What am I supposed to do all day?”: Three big ideas for the reading coach.  International Reading Association, 486-488.
This article, although brief, expresses what a reading coach should focus on during his or her daily activities.  The authors claim there are three “big ideas” for reading coaches which are focusing interest and attention on the primary goal (teachers, reading instruction and students), ensure that they are in classrooms frequently, and establishing themselves as someone who can help teachers with their reading instruction.  It also defines the role of the coach as a support system for teachers.  This goes hand-in-hand with the article by Buly, Coskie, Robinson and Egawa.  Without support for the coach, the coach may be overwhelmed and not offer the best support to teachers.  This is beneficial to my research because without a supported coach or supported teachers, student achievement is less likely to expand growth.  Dole is the editor of The reading Coach’s Corner and teaches at the University of Utah (Salt Lake City).  Donaldson is the Dirctor of Reading First for the Utah State Office of Education.  
Hall, B.  (2004).  Literacy coaches. An evolving role.  Carnegie Reporter, 3(1).
This article brings forth the fact that many of our nation’s adolescents are failing in reading and not staying competitive with the rest of the industrialized nations.  It also discusses that the idea of the “reading specialist”—now termed reading coach, literacy coach, content coach just to name a few—can be traced back to the 1930s.  It gives perspective that our nation’s students have been failing in reading since the closure of World War II.  The idea of a coach changed in the 1960s from more of a remedial role to a resource.  One of the experts cited within the article believes that coaching is a cultural phenomenon stating that the term “coaching” can be traced back to a multi-lingual issue when our country had a large Hispanic increase in population about 50 years ago.  It is also discussed that coaches are doing more than just coaching reading; they have moved into working with content area teachers in the areas of math, science and social studies because many of our nation’s students are not reading at appropriate levels for secondary students.  There are personal reflections from members of school districts across the nation which will be beneficial to my research.  Some downfalls are discussed as well such as the sustainability of quality coaching programs.  Expectations must be reasonable.  Things do not change overnight.  Barbara Hall has been writing about education for over 25 years.  She has written about educational issues in such publications as The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe.
Russo, A.  2004.  School based coaching: A revolution in professional development-or just the latest fad?  Harvard Education Letter Research Online, 20(4).  Retrieved from
Alexander Russo, an independent education writer, is a contributing editor for Catalyst based in Chicago.  His article presents success stories from large, urban school districts that have implemented coaching programs, examining coaching as a professional development alternative for teachers, caveats of coaching programs, and how to progress next with coaching programs.  One point that Russo makes for school districts employing coaches is that this type of professional development is more beneficial for teachers.  Off-site trainings, conferences,  and lectures usually tell teachers what to do by someone who will never check back in for accountability.  Coaches build relationships with teachers and help them discover strategies to help students achieve.  This piece will be beneficial to my research.  The success stories discussed give a personal side of accomplishment.  Schools and leadership teams need to be assured that success can be attained from coaching programs and are worth the implementation.    

Additional Resources to Be Explored:
Hasbrouck, J., & Denton, C.A.  (2007).  Student-focused coaching: A model for reading coaches.  International Reading Association, 690-693.
Joyce, B., & Showers, B.  (2003).  Student achievement through staff development.  National College for School Leadership, 1-5.
Leithwood, K., & Mascall, B.  (2008).  Collective leadership effects on student achievement.  Educational Administration Quarterly, 44, 529-561.
Lockwood, J.R., Slaon-McCombs, J. & Marsh, J.  (2010).  Linking reading coaches and student achievement: Evidence from Florida middle schools.  Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 32, 372-388. 
Neuman, S.B., & Cunningham, L.  (2009).  The impact of professional development and coaching on early language and literacy instructional practices.  American Educational Research Journal, 46(2), 532-566.

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