Friday, June 29, 2012

Wicked Problem Project - Final Presentation


In my middle school, a huge educational need is continuing to educate students who are truant.  Often times this is not any fault of their own-they would prefer to be at school instead of staying at home to take care of younger siblings or having no ride to get to school because there is no one able or willing to take them that particular day.  Talking to other teachers and instructors in this course has made me realize that my problem is one that is common.  Nancy, the course instructor, also teaches 5th grade and commented that she has several students with 30 or more absences and only one of those students has any kind of medical excuse.  This is a huge educational need facing many of our schools.  


My solution to this problem is to create vodcasts of lessons that students may access online. Not only would this help students who are truant, this would also assist students who are simply sick or out of town on a family emergency.  There is some research out there on this topic, but it is scarce and widely debated.  In the article The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture it is stated that, “One of the major, evidence-based advantages of the use of videos is that learners have control over the media with the ability to review parts that are misunderstood, which need further reinforcement, and/or those parts that are of particular interest.”  Although many see the flipped model as an innovative way to reach more students’ needs, there are those who see it as just another passing fad. The research backing this idea is scarce, but I am willing to be a part of those teachers who try this new model and gather data on its credibility.

Application of TPACK:

Technological Pedagogical:  I have chosen to utilize my website to upload vodcasts of my lectures and lessons so absent students have access to their education while they are out of the classroom.  This technology is the most appropriate fit for my problem.  (It also inspired me to look at possibly flipping my classroom next year!)  For now, however, I simply wanted my students to be able to access information in their absence.  Vodcasts are a simple, easy way to get information to my students whenever they need it.  

Technological Content Knowledge:  For my Wicked Problem, my subject matter will be changed significantly for my students due to the anytime accessibility.  Students will be able to review lessons or portions of lessons they did not quite grasp the first time around.  Having vodcasts of lessons will increase a student’s ability to access content information no matter the time of day.  Allowing students to have information they can review and learn at their own pace will increase student knowledge in my subject matter.  Having a site that students can visit at any time for a first view or review of any lesson, along with having additional resources available to them,  will solidify their content knowledge.   One of my cohorts stated on my blog that, “ One obvious point you made above is something I hadn't thought about. You mentioned the fact that your students will be able to view ALL or SOME of the lesson AT ANY TIME. This is a wonderful accommodation for any student. Many of them have crazy schedules or only short periods of time when the computer is available to them or the house is peaceful enough for them to attempt to learn. I hope everything turns out well for your project because it's such a great idea that I may just have to do something like this at school!”

Pedagogical Content Knowledge: There are numerous ways that students learn, and being absent from school can often hinder their best learning style because they are not there for the entire experience.  However, podcasting lessons, as well as providing additional resources for students to use, hit upon multiple student learning styles.   Using podcasts and additional resources on my website will help all of my students learn!   Another of my cohorts stated on my blog, “ You make a great point that your students will have the ability to learn differently since they have the option to go back and listen to recordings as much as needed. There have been many times when I needed to listen to a video twice, or read something twice in order to have a better understanding of what I was learning. This is powerful for your students to have the option to listen again and again if necessary.” 

*Please excuse my voice as you view my presentation. I just had my tonsils removed, and I sound a little funny!*

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I attempted to use podcasts and vodcasts uploaded to my website for students who are absent from school.  Being so close to the end of the school year, I was only able to attempt this with one assignment.  The biggest bump in the road was that I did the recording in PhotoStory which would not properly upload to my website.  Luckily, I have PhotoStory on the computers at school so student who had been absent could still access the vodcast.  I had to re-record the assignment using Jing, and it is now successfully uploaded to my website.   From feedback I have received, it sounds like there are other folks out there who are inspired to use my project in their own classrooms.

Findings and Implications:

Overall this project had positive results.  Even though there were bumps in the road along the way, and I had to do some quick thinking, I still had students use the vodcast I created for their assignment and they completed their assignment with ease.  This is definitely something that teachers in my building need to look at incorporating next year.  

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Group Leadership Project - Final

What tool did your group use to deliver the PD tutorial?  Why?

My group members and I chose to deliver our PD tutorial through Camstasia.  None of us had any experience with Camstasia, but we had seen excellently produced videos posted online, and I had viewed lessons that teachers had presented to students using Camtasia and was impressed.  We decided to expand our horizons and learn/use a new tool!

What did you learn during the development process of the final product?

Getting all four parts of the presentation to mesh together was difficult.  Lisa volunteered to put our final presentation together.  It seemed as easy as emailing the presentation we each created individually.  However, mine would not export from Camtasia to ScreenCast properly.  I had to save the project to my computer and upload to ScreenCast.  Then when I tried to share it with Lisa so she could add it to our final product, that would not work either!  I wound up having to give Lisa my username and password into ScreenCast so she had access to it.  This also happened with one of our other group members, so at least I wasn't alone in my struggles!

What would you do differently if you had to develop a similar product again?

I think that if I had to develop a similar product again, I would use a tool that I already knew so there may be less technical difficulty.  I would also give more thought to what I wanted to teach to others.  In my mind as we were in our first collaboration meeting, I thought that teaching Blogger would be a simple task.  I was wrong.  There is so much to Blogger, and I had to be really careful to make sure that I was delivering each step with clarity.  I think it would be much different teaching this face-to-face with students, but it helped give me some insight as to how to help teachers produce tutorials for their students for next year.

Below is the video of our Blogger PD tutorial.


Professional Learning Plan

It was really interesting to peruse through my Growth Plan from 810 because it was the first class that I took last fall.  I realized that I had set fairy attainable goals for myself (and my students!).  Most of what I wanted to accomplish had come to fruition. 

I chose to approach my Professional Learning Plan with a culmination of what I had learned from my Growth Plan and what I plan to accomplish over the next six years.  I felt that I could not go beyond that because I am constantly learning new things and trying to improve, so really, I am not sure what I want to do after I reach the last goal I have set on my Professional Learning Plan.  I also chose to present my plan by using Glogster.  I have been feeling very creative and thought it was a great way to tie into what I have learned about visuals.

Here is  a link to my Glog!  Enjoy!

In addition, we were asked to view the Professional Learning Plans of others and reflect not only on theirs but on our own.

  • What were some of the online resources that you found that were really helpful? If so what were they and how were they helpful?
 One of the best resources I have found is a blog called Daily Writing Tips.  Now, I realize this is a technology class, but I look for different ways to incorporate technology into writing.  There are always interesting little tid-bits on this site that have helped me develop lessons.  In the technology realm, the best resource I have by far is Google-Docs.  Although I tend to be highly organized, I have organization issues with flash drives.  I will misplace them, forget what I have on them, etc.  I love that G-docs organizes all of my documents, presentations, spreadsheets and forms all in one place.  I never have to worry about losing another flash drive or document again!
  • Did you find any other online communities that could provide resourceful information? If so what were they and how were they helpful?
 Outside of this class I have not really found any other online communities that could provide resourceful information.  However, it is part of my PLP to look into using online communities in my own PLC. 
  • What strategies were helpful for trying to learn a new technology?
The best strategy for me to use when learning a new technology is to first (hopefully!) view a small tutorial so I have a basic understanding of the program or tool and then play!  I work best by just jumping in head first and playing around.  It is frustrating at times, but I think I learn more this way.  
  • How does working with others (verses working alone) support you in your own learning?
 Working with others really forces me out of my comfort zone.  It's not that I am necessarily anti-social, but I am very particular about my work.  I have been faced in the past (not at MSU!) with having to work with others that do not hold themselves to high work ethics and that bothers me.  I have learned to depend on myself and not allow help from others.  My experiences in the MAET program and working with others is starting to help me rely on information from others and know that I have people around me that I CAN depend on for high quality work.  I think there will always be that part of me that likes to work alone, but collaborating online still allows me to complete my own portion of assignments on my own within the set time-frame. 
  • How will you use this experience to support your own lifelong learning of technology?
 I think what I will take away most is that I am learning to collaborate with others through the use of technology.  Although I am still not 100% comfortable working with others, this class has helped me get over that fear, and I will be better at online collaboration because of this course and the wonderful ladies I worked with in my group leadership project.  I owe a lot to them and this course!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wicked Problem Project: Part D - Findings and Implications

1.     Formative: Did the project get implemented as planned?

My project did not get implemented as planned.  With the end of the school year approaching and students with final projects to present, I was only able to get one assignment posted in vodcast form for my students.  I was hoping to have more content-oriented lessons posted for my students.  I was also not able to provide my students with any additional resources due to the lack of time.  I wanted to be able to do the research in order to provide my students with more to assist their learning. 

2.     Summative: Evidence of success in addressing the problem of practice

Every teacher experiences and struggles with students that are not present at school, and they feel a great responsibility to deliver instruction to those students.  Realistically, however, it is overbearing at times to catch these students up.  It was a rare day that I only had four students absent out of six classes the day a Glogster assignment was presented to students in class.  The evidence of success in addressing the problem of practice is that three of my absent students actually used the lesson I recorded, and they completed the assignment with ease.  


3.     How would you approach another project of this type differently given what you’ve learned here?

I would approach another project of this type with more time to develop appropriate and meaningful lessons.  I would also make sure not to take on too much with one idea.  When starting this project, I was looking at trying to do too much with too little time.  I think the first half of the year of implementation of my particular project would be to create the podcasts and vodcasts of the needed lessons and a question/note sheet to accompany the lessons students completed at home.  I would also locate and share all additional resources I could for students to ensure student success.  Then in the second half of the year, I would look at adding tutoring sessions through Skype. 

4.     What are the lessons learned that others might benefit from knowing about?

I think the most important lesson I learned while completing this project is making sure you know all of the ins and outs of the tools you are using.  I had such difficulty with PhotoStory uploading correctly to my website that I became frustrated.  I thought that because PhotoStory itself is such a simple tool to use, it would be a simple upload to my website.  However, I did not realize that my Weebly website would not upload this type of video without purchasing/ upgrading to their Pro version.  I was not willing at this time to pay for an upgrade.  It took a bunch of “playing” and numerous frustrating nights to figure out how to solve this problem.  Knowing your tools will equal more success and less frustration. 

5.     In what ways will you endeavor to do the same project again, and what will you change or not do?

I will not be attempting this project again myself because I have a new position within the administration at my school.  I will be a writing coach!  I am really excited about this opportunity.  I believe that although I will not be able to create this project for students of my own, I will be able to guide the teachers in using technology to enhance their students’ writing.  I will also be able to offer support to my “old” teammates in their endeavor to create a flipped classroom.  I will be able to make sure that teachers know their tools before trying to attempt this project with their students.  I am looking forward to assisting more students and teachers to a successful writing classroom!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wicked Problem Project: Part C - Implementation

Here is the podcast of how the implementation of Part C of the Wicked Problem Project went!

Here is the vodcast of the assignment my students had to complete.

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This is a picture of what my students will now see when they go to the website to get assignments.

Group Leadership Project: Part B - Storyboard and Script

If I can say anything, it would be that by the time this project is over, I will have overcome great technological issues!  It seems to have been one thing after another.  However, once I finally was able to get my Google Docs to once again work properly, I was able to help with the creation of my group's storyboard for the Group Leadership Project.  We have chosen to teach how to create a blog using Blogger. 

For my portion of the assignment, I am in charge of teaching how to create a new blog site and its design.  This is not as easy as one would think.  Taking another person through a procedure step-by-step required an immense amount of thought.  Below is a link to my group's storyboard.

For the final project, each of my group members will  develop the portion we created.  We have chosen to use Camtasia Studio for our final product.  After we have recorded our individual portions, we are going to email them to Lisa, who has kindly offered to put them all together. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mobile Learning Lab

What tools did you try?

Although I read and watched all of the material available, I was drawn into the examination of 1. using mp3 players and podcasts in the classroom, 2. using flip cameras in the classroom, and 3. using cell phones in the classroom.  I am still awaiting permission to join the Classroom 2.0 site, so I have not been able to participate in that forum. 

I examined using mp3s and podcasts in the classroom the most because this is what I am most interested in as far as making an addition to the technology in my classroom.  I have a mobile lab that I use almost daily with 10 working laptops (16 in total)  and have 6 desk tops as well.  Most days I have enough computers to have each student in the classroom on one!  I have been curious as to how to use mp3 players (which most of my students already have) and podcasts in my classroom. 

I also looked at using flip cameras in the classroom.  This would be a fairly inexpensive technology to add to my classroom that would allow excellent student creativity.  

I was also interested in what other educators had to say about using cell phones in the classroom.  Almost all of my students have cell phones with Internet connection, and they have already said they would be willing to share with those students who do not have a phone.  I think that in itself is amazing.  I cannot wait to use the polling site where students send text messages with their answers and we can see answers in real time. 

What ways are you thinking of integrating mobile technology into your classroom?

I am lucky that I have a supportive administrative team that is excited about the technology I want to use in my classroom.  We are currently examining different grants available to update the mobile lab and make it complete so all students have a lap top or I-pad in front of them while in class.  I really want to make use of podcasts in the classroom to allow students to have access to my lectures as well as have podcasts others have done as additional resources to the materials I have taught.  I came across a really neat ESL podcast that I think will be beneficial for my many ESL students.  I also envision using flip cameras for students to create video stories for my class.  It may take some extra work and time manipulation, but students can use these inexpensive devices to record their mystery stories as well as create Public Service Announcements.  I also enjoyed creating the polls on Poll Everywhere.  I think this will be easily incorporated into my classroom and am going to use the polls below as a first-run with my students.  

What challenges or inspirations do you see?

I do not see many challenges with the technology I want to incorporate.  What I am looking to do is fairly inexpensive, and I have such a supportive administrative team that I am not concerned at all.  I have also talked to parents about the incorporation of technology into my classroom, and so far, all of the parents have also been supportive.  I believe, as in one video I watched, that we are here to train the next generation of creators and need to address their educational needs with technology.  They are so plugged in to their mobile devices that we should take advantage of their mobile technology for their education! 

Data Visualization

This has been one the most beneficial labs.  I enjoyed getting to "play" around with some of these new tools, and my imagination ran wild with ideas for the classroom.  I am thrilled to have this Wiki-page to explore new ideas for my classroom. 

What tools did you try?

I tried Illuminations, AudioBoo, Glogster, 1001 Fonts and PhotoStory.  I did not like the layout of the Illuminations website.  It did not look appealing or user-friendly and turned me off from really exploring as in-depth as I should have.  

However, I have fallen in love with AudioBoo.  AudioBoo is a podcasting site that allows users to create and posts different podcasts.  While exploring, there were many different kinds of podcasts including one about the current superhero movies coming to theaters to another where a young woman expressed the top 5 things she would like to do before she dies.  I see myself using this in my classroom next year when students are required to write speeches.  It would be really neat to have them write and then record their speeches.  I can focus the grading on the oral presentation.  I can see this tool really working for kids that have a hidden voice-those students afraid to give oral presentations in front of their classmates but have excellent information to share.    

I have explored Glogster prior to this lab and have used it in my classroom recently.  Glogster is an online poster board where individuals can create an interactive poster using photos, text, and video clips.  The only disadvantage I have seen thus far when using Glogster is that the only videos available for use are through YouTube.  Up until recently, YouTube was blocked on our server, and students could not access it for presentation development.  

1001 Fonts is an incredible site where you can download different fonts not found within your normal presentation and document tools such as MS Word and Power Point.  It was extremely simple to download a font from their site to my computer and then upload it into my MicroSoft products.  I envision my students using this site regularly.  They always want to use different fonts on presentations and find the "normal" ones boring.  This is an easy way for students to express themselves even more creatively when developing projects.  

PhotoStory is a story-telling program that allows the creation of stories using photos and voice recording.  It is easily downloaded quickly, and the creation of a "story" is just as simple.  It walks you through step-by-step on how to create your story.  This is what I have chosen to use for my Data Visualization project.  

What are you representing in the visualization you created?

I am representing how to email a Prezi presentation to your instructor.  My students recently conducted question-based research and put their findings into a Prezi.  In order for me to have access to their work, students were required to email it to me for grading.  This would have been a great visualization for my students so I did not have to repeat myself over and over!  See the PhotoStory below!

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What questions or "ah ha" moments arise when thinking about visualization?
I am still pondering how to really incorporate more visualization into my classroom.  I think after reading and viewing the materials, I had a misconception of what the term actually meant.  I was under the impression that it was simply adding a graphic or image to a concept you were teaching.  However, I now realize that there are many tools out there that not only I can use as a teacher, but there are many I think students can use to show their understanding of a concept. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wicked Problem Project: Part B - Application of TPACK

1. What is the TP knowledge for the solution?  (i.e., how does the technology you have chosen support the teaching strategies and methods you have chosen?)

Technological Pedagogical knowledge is defined as “knowledge of the existence, components and capabilities of various technologies as they are used in teaching and learning settings, and conversely, knowing how teaching might change as the result of using particular technologies.”  I have chosen to utilize my website to upload vodcasts of my lectures and lessons so absent students have access to their education while they are out of the classroom.  This technology is the most appropriate fit for my problem.  (It has also inspired me to look at possibly flipping my classroom next year!)  For now, however, I simply want my students to be able to access information in their absence.  Vodcasts are a simple, easy way to get information to my students whenever they need it.  It is accessible to them 24/7, and they can access the lessons when they are ready.  This makes any place they are a teaching and learning environment!  It will also change how my students apply knowledge in class as they have the ability to go back and review previous lessons. My teaching may change only in that the tools I use during lessons will be a little different.  I will have to record my lectures in real-time using a wireless headset and a tool such as Audacity so that absent students receive the same information as the students in class.  I will also have to make sure that during class discussions I restate questions that are asked in class so the absent students understand why I am discussing a certain topic.  There will also be additional resources attached to each lesson including kid-friendly articles, websites with “game” reinforcements, and videos.  These things may not change my teaching, but it can change my students’ learning.  They will be able to see information I have presented in a different way as well as have engaging activities where they can practice skills. 

2. What is the TC knowledge for the solution? (i.e., how specifically does this technology make the content in your problem more intellectually accessible?  Be sure to think about representation.)

Technological Content Knowledge is “knowledge about the manner in which TK (technological knowledge) and CK (content knowledge) are reciprocally related to each other.  Basically it asks the question, “How can subject matter be changed by the application of a technology?”  For my Wicked Problem, my subject matter will be changed significantly for my students due to the anytime accessibility.  Students will be able to review lessons or portions of lessons they did not quite grasp the first time around.  Having vodcasts of lessons will increase a student’s ability to access content information no matter the time of day.  Allowing students to have information they can review and learn at their own pace will increase student knowledge in my subject matter.  Having a site that students can visit at any time for a first view or review of any lesson, along with having additional resources available to them,  will solidify their content knowledge.   

3. What is the PC knowledge for the solution? (i.e., how specifically do your pedagogical choices make the content in your problem more intellectually accessible? Be sure to think about how the student will experience the content given these instructional strategies.

Pedagogical Content knowledge is, in its most basic definition, teacher knowledge and how to present that knowledge to students in way that is understandable.  It also includes what makes a subject matter difficult or easy to learn as well as knowledge of common misconceptions and likely preconceptions students bring with them to the table.  There are numerous ways that students learn, and being absent from school can often hinder their best learning style because they are not there for the entire experience.  However, podcasting lessons, as well as providing additional resources for students to use, hit upon multiple student learning styles.  The podcast allows for both visual and auditory learners to be most successful in their learning of content.  21st century learners, being constantly bombarded with videos from YouTube and other sources, seem to be comfortable with this learning style.  Having a note- taking form available for students also offers a more kinesthetic option for students.  Another option for students who tend to be more kinesthetic will be the incorporation of games and online activities because they are engaging in more movement for their learning in a technological form.  There will be articles for students who prefer to read for comprehension of a content.  Using podcasts and additional resources on my website will help all of my students learn!           

Sample Podcast

Friday, June 1, 2012

Web Conferencing

How did the web-conferencing go?

I found the web-conference to be very useful and productive.  We were able to collaborate in real time and not have to go through email after email.  I really liked being able to chat with each member of my group and work together online.  

What software did you use?

My group used Vyew.  This was my first experience using any kind of web-conferencing tool outside of what I have experienced in class with Adobe.  I really liked using this tool because I could interact with multiple people at the same time.  

What would you do differently next time?

The biggest change I would make for using this tool next time is turn on all mics and webcams.  I am an auditory person and really like to interact with people face-to-face.  Just reading through a chat forum is more difficult for me.
How might this be useful in your classroom?

I think this tool could be extremely useful for my classroom.  I am moving toward possibly flipping my classroom for the next school year, and with Vyew being a free tool I can use with my students, I can run tutoring sessions or review sessions online with those students who need the assistance.