Saturday, October 22, 2011

Creative Commons in the Classroom (810)

File:Ray Bradbury (1975).jpg
"Ray Bradbury 1975," © August 1975 Alan Light, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license:
This is a photo of Ray Bradbury with a personal message to the photo's author, Alan Light.  I will be teaching a Science Fiction unit soon, and I want my students to understand that many classic writers of Science Fiction are stars of their own time.  I always struggle with how to give proper credit to authors of pictures and videos.  I use many video clips and images of authors and their works when teaching lessons because the students really get into it.  I have also not ever had a great way to teach students how to give credit to the pictures they use when creating research projects.  I am excited to now know how to teach this to my students, and hopefully they will continue this skill on into their high school years. 

My new Flickr account:

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