Monday, October 10, 2011

Maintaining (810)

I am really impressed by this class assignment.  I learned so much new information that I plan on going back into the tutorials to learn more.  The first tutorial I viewed was about Malware.  I had heard the term but had no clue as to what it really was or how it could infect my computer.  Malware can be spread through file sharing, instant message services, free software/game downloads and more.  I often like to download games to have in my spare time (laugh, I know you want to!).  I did not realize that infections could be spread to my computer by simply downloading a game for fun.  This tid-bit of information really suprised me.  I will be sharing this information with others--especially my students.  I do not think that many people are aware that a simple download can have such an effect on the health of your computer.

The second tutorial I watched was about SpyWare Blaster.  This is a free service that may be downloaded at  It seems really easy to use.  It is a Browser Protection Utility that protects your computer from spyware and adware.  I really like this because I don't like the idea of companies tracking my personal interests.  I think that this is where the Internet can become a scary place.  I don't want random people in the world to know what I research and what I like to purchase online.  Not that anything is inappropirate, but I feel it is a huge stomp on my right to privacy.  I will be sharing this one with my family.  My family tends to purchase numerous things online-my father especially.  Being a pastor, he is always buying clips to use in his Sunday presentations.  I am not going to say it suprised me that I could be tracked, but it does amaze me that I can be so easily tracked.

The third, and most beneficial, tutorial I watched was on using MSConfig.  I did not realize that often times my computer is running programs that I may not need.  It seems really simple to use.  I also liked that I could do a Google search for Start Up Programs and Executable Listings so I can determine if I need a program to be running immediately at start up or not.  I was genuinely suprised that I could do this so easily myself.  I thought I would have to take my computer into the Geek Squad or someone similar to have this sort of thing done.  I am going to be telling everyone I know who uses a computer about this.  I didn't realize that something so simple I can do myslef can improve the performance speed of my computer. 

Like I said before, I am going to be browsing through more of these tutorials.  I found the information well worth the couple of minutes it takes to watch each video.   

1 comment:

  1. This is an extremely useful assignment! The internet is a scary place and one has to be very careful not to give away too much information. What is sad that people will take advantage of others with scams. I am always reading in my small town newspaper the people who have been taken in by the internet scams. They have given away $ thinking they would get money. Why would anyone give away for free on the Internet. I just don't know what these people are thinking when they fall for the scam.
    That is funny about the gaming! Though that is exactly how my home computer would get infected. My kids would download games. I got tired of rebuilding it all the time!
