Saturday, October 22, 2011

Learning Styles: Who I Am (810)

I am an auditory learner.  When I need to learn new information or receive directions, I have to hear it.  I did really well in college because of this.  My friends were always jealous because I never had to take notes to study.  I did, however, need my handy-dandy recorder.  If I needed to review information, all I had to do was replay the lecture.  I really wish that I would have had access to text-to-voice resources when I was in school.  This would have made my reading load much easier.  I enjoy reading for pleasure, but it does not help me out that much when I am trying to digest new information.  On the other side, when I have to show my understanding of something I have learned, I am verbal and spatial.  I enjoy giving a good speech, but I also enjoy creative expression through the use of images and sounds.  I like to integrate all of these to show my understanding. 

When I was in school, the WORST learning style for me that teachers wanted me to use was interpersonal.  I do not like working in groups to complete work.  I am intrapersonal when it comes to creating or showing my understanding.  It's funny in a way because I am a very social person.  But, when it comes to my work, I prefer to work alone.  I think it comes down to that I do not like to rely on someone else to complete portions of work on which I will be judged. 

Not every learning style can be accommodated in every lesson I present.  I feel that when I am creating units I need to take all the styles into account and provide as many venues as I can for my students to show understanding.  I can also offer choice for students so they may decide how to show understanding.  However, it is not difficult to present new information to students in a way (if it must be lecture) that can hit mutliple learning styles.  I think it is fairly reasonable to incorporate auditory, spatial and linguistic styles into each lesson.  It is also pretty easy to incorporate interpersonal/social aspects to lessons by asking students to do pair-shares during the lesson.  By doing this, I know I am trying to focus on the majority of students, and by allowing choice to show understanding, my students will be a success! 

1 comment:

  1. You are the 2nd auditory learner in the class. Everyone else is a visual learner so far. Most teachers are visual so we need to make sure we are meeting the needs of all learners in our classrooms.
