Saturday, October 22, 2011

Creative Commons-My Photo (810)


"Commando." © 2011 Aubrey McClain, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license:

This is my kitty, Commando.  We found her when she had a couple of kittens under our back deck.  The babies disappeared, and we finally decided to give her a home.  She has been the perfect addition to our family!

1 comment:

  1. She is beautiful! My calico is laying by my feet right now. We got her as a 1 1/2 pound kitten on a farm. She is still only 7 pounds. She is not the friendliest of cats. She is very social and wants to be in the middle of things, but does not want to be picked up. You have to let her come to you. Makes it hard when kids come over to the house as they want to play with her.
