Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wicked Problem Project: Part C - Implementation

Here is the podcast of how the implementation of Part C of the Wicked Problem Project went!

Here is the vodcast of the assignment my students had to complete.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

This is a picture of what my students will now see when they go to the website to get assignments.


  1. As a middle school teacher you must have many students absent during each period, which would really add up in a day! I teach second grade, so I don't encounter this problem like you do. This is a great solution to keep your students accountable and allow you to keep moving forward with your other students. There are certainly days when I have four or five students absent and I find myself not wanting to introduce really important concepts, but I obviously have to. I could see using this when I have numerous students absent. I would just have to have my students view it at recess or email the vodcast to the parent to view at home. Thank you for sharing your great idea!

  2. I'm glad you were able to make adjustments in such a short period of time to ensure your ability to test out your learning tool. I'm confident that you will be able to find a new tool for your Vodcast for next year. Your ability to use Jing in a moments notice makes me love Jing even more than before (I didn't think that was possible). Maybe you could even use my other new favorite tool for students who need to be able to work from school and home...Google Docs!

  3. I like how you were able to quickly think how to change your plan when Photostory would not work on your website. It is great to hear that students wanted to see what they missed and complete what they needed too. Good luck finding a new tool to use. I think once it is up and running it will be an awesome thing for students to use.
